We finished deployed temperature loggers and checking my bivalve recruitment spat collectors (although that beg
For those who don't know, a bivalve is, broadly, a mollusk with two shells, like a clam, mussel, or oyster. The main point of these surveys is to estimate the population size and distribution of black-lipped pearl oysters Pinctada margaritifera (above), since I'm working on
We've been surprised to find very few bivalves for the amount of time we spend looking, but we've seen some other cool things, like branching coralline algae, nudibranches (first two below), sea stars, another huge marine debris net that Kate managed to bring back to the island, and a big channel marker buoy with a solar panel, light, and huge chain. The branching coralline algae (last photo below) was interesting to me because I've seen sediment samples from Midway with lots of branching coralline algae, but hadn't noticed it alive before so I took some photos of that. We also found one site with an extraordinary diversity of algae - seemed like at least 10 species fairly common.
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